Wednesday 25 November 2009

Inspiration for Current Projects

For the past few months the Baroque era (c.1600-1750) has been a great influence to many of my projects during the first term of second year at university. This image is painted study of a section of Caravaggio's "Martyrdom of saint Matthew" with stitch detail.

The stimulus for choosing this movement came from the book 'The Innocent Traitor' by Alison Weir, which I was reading at the beginning of term. In this book, Lady Jane Grey's Protestant beliefs are a hug
e influence to what she wears and the history of the power struggle between Catholics and Protestants is at 
its high point during her l
ifetime. Through my research, I learned that this power struggle was hugely shown through the arts and resulted in the Baroque artistic movement.

Here is an example of Caravaggio's work using the chiaroscuro technique:


  1. I love your transcription of Caravaggio! Brilliant brushwork!

  2. The micro to the full scale shows immense work at the detail to create the image.

  3. I love your ability to "look outside the box" for source material. I thought An Innocent Traitor an excellent read,little did I think it would be so inspirational to you and send you down a route of light and shade.
